Diablo iii tyrael act iv
Diablo iii tyrael act iv

diablo iii tyrael act iv

I think you will find it, though it may take you centuries.Do not worry. No, if you are to discover some peace, you must do it through an act of love. Vengeance is an act of hatred, and hatred never brings peace. You will not find your rest through revenge, however hard you try. CHOOSE TO COMMIT SUCH GREAT SACRIFICE FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS. UNTIL IT BECAME WHAT NONE COULD FATHOM, WHAT NONE COULD HAVE EXPECTED! THIS PLACE CALLED SANCTUARY HAS BROUGHT FORTH SUCH AS WE HAVE NEVER WITNESSED, THINGS I MYSELF CALLED ABOMINATIONS! Before Imperius could interrupt, Tyrael pressed, BUT ABOMINATIONS DO NOT FEEL SUFFERING, THEY DO NOT STRUGGLE FOR ONE ANOTHER AGAINST GREAT ODDS AND THEY DO NOT. To the Angiris Council, while judging Sanctuary and humanity: The continued survival of mankind is your legacy! Above all else, you have earned a rest from this endless battle. May the Eternal Light shine upon you and your descendants for what you've done this day. I have opened a portal that will lead you to safety. However, it is the only way to ensure mankind's survival. This act will change your world forever - with consequences even I cannot foresee.

diablo iii tyrael act iv

Therefore, I must destroy the corrupted Worldstone before the powers of Hell take root. Sanctuary.and eradicate your people and everything you've labored to build. Given enough time, the Worldstone's energies will drain away and the barriers between the worlds will shatter - the powers of Hell will flood into this. Baal's destructive touch has corrupted it completely. However, we are too late to save the Worldstone. You have overcome the greatest challenge this world has ever faced and defeated the last of the Prime Evils. Tyrael appears at the very end of the act, after a player has defeated Duriel, and gives the following message: Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed.

diablo iii tyrael act iv

You must find the courage to step through that gate, Marius. There, you will find the gate to Hell opened before you. Go to the Temple of Light, in the eastern city of Kurast. You cannot even begin to imagine what you’ve set in motion this day. Tyrael commands Marius to take the Soulstone to the Hellforge and destroy it:įool! You have just ensured the doom of this world.

Diablo iii tyrael act iv